Monday, August 01, 2016

Rio Olympics Day 0 - The Departure

My younger brother is sweet as usual and agreed to send me to the airport even though he has to be there 12 hours later where he is scheduled to fly ( he is an air steward ). Leaving my family behind is always not a good feeling but as always, they (try to) understand that this is my "pursue of happiness" in a form of my representation in the sport i love. Mikayla got extremely whiny as she knows that i would be away for awhile and of course my Mrs ain't as chirpy any more after dinner.

So here it starts... my 1st Olympics adventure. Before i left, many people wished me luck and also asked me what are my expectations for the games.

Honestly, i have none! It's my first ever Olympics games, why should i expect anything. When I get my 1st appointment, i will get on the pitch and do what i usually do and try to be better than my last one (champions trophy) and improve from there. So Rio get ready! I am coming to paint your city red.

SGP - DBX / DBX - GRU / GRU - GIG = This is going to hurt a bit.

Going to board now. Emirates please treat me well... Talk soon =)

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