Monday, July 18, 2016

"Passport" Rio De Janerio

After weeks of anticipation, the "passport" to officially enter the Olympic venues and my house away from home (aka Technical Official Village) for 3 weeks have finally arrive in a huge Fedex envelope!

There were many speculations on when this may (or would even) arrive but guess what? It did.

So for those who still doubt if Brazil will put up a good show, I am a firm believer that they will. Remember the press only want you to see and hear those negative side of story. It's normal... bad news sells and grab attention!

Unlike athletes, we tend to travel lighter without those gears and a ton of sponsored items from their beloved brand names back home and local sports council. For Rio2016, this is what we are given currently. Bulk of the Games uniform will be issued to us once we reach the Technical Official Village.

18 more days to go!

The most important ID during the Olympics 
Our new sponsor Adidas making sure we run in comfort
The 3 umpiring shirt color for the 2016 games 

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Interesting Comments

So we all know, I for 1 know it all too well, that being an Official, Referee, Umpire is a thankless job but yes for many of us because for the passion and love of a certain sport we bite our tongue not to argue back and just carry on with what we do week in week out. No wonder many of our young colleagues are quitting the game like hotcakes flying out of a Macdonald Outlet on a Sunday morning brunch.

Now my main point is, I was told how badly i did after a lower division game this evening! Shocker! =) I wasn't waiting for a compliment anyhow. The losing team came and thanked me but the wining team came to me in disgust (Half of the team).  *Correction* 
The winning team thanked me (of course when you win the official did well) and the losing team came to me in disgust! Now this is even more not surprising.
Well... maybe i was really shite to you but like you said, guess what, I am going to Rio while you, again like you correctly pointed out, will be watching me on your TV set. So enjoy your experience.

At times, or many times, for a lot of you out there, who you think you are god's gift to a certain sport... please allow me for once break your heart... ( Wrecking Ball Chorus starts to play)

YOU AIN'T SHITE! So before we (as officials) start collectively criticize the sport team on how badly the players are performing or other stuff maybe you can look in the mirror (please buy a huge 2ft X 4ft mirror for your ego) and start looking at yourself and not tell those who actually know what they are doing, to do what you think should be done because frankly you are talking more crap even nonsense is losing you.  Ok that's as much publicity you are getting.

My advice to some people who think they are the world's greatest is please be at a certain level before you talk those talk. After those big talks please be sure you can walk the walk too.

Enjoy watching Rio! Thanks for the support.

Monday, July 11, 2016

#RoadtoRio / DDay -25

Days when i feel flat or lazy to train... got a few quotes to remind myself!

#RoadToRio / DDay -26

                                                                        Image: Rio2016

So...... 26 more days to Rio Olympics!

It's been an amazing journey so far since 2006 when i first got my badge, I swear i would never have thought that i will ever say that I will be going to an Olympic Games. Was already looking towards Tokyo 2020 until that very day when i received an email from FIH which i took a long 10 minutes to read it through 3 times before the news got to me.

Along the way you meet many interesting characters. Some stay, many left. Family, work, time, travels or just frastruated maybe. But those who stayed tend to stay on for a long while more and became good mates for a lifetime.
Many (Including my wife) asked how do i do it? To do this for so long with very little or close to no funding. To be away from your family and give up those personal leave from work where you could be spending more time at home, having a beer or even a family vacation?

I think i can summarize it with 2 simple words of "Believe" & "Passion".

Passion - 
Since i have taken up this sports at 12 years of age (yes i am late bloomer) I have loved every single minute of it. Well my dad has always wanted me to be a badminton player but i guess i never found my footing in that area.
From a player to an umpire was a very deliberate yet easy step for me even at a young age of 20 (something to share another time). And since then, i have never looked back.
Loving my umpiring career so far as a International Umpire or just as an Umpire as a whole. I see things now from a totally different viewpoint and this really makes me more level headed in many situations. Even in life, it does make me a little calmer and a lot clearer.
Body language, confidence, concentration are areas which i see improvements form the spillover of my umpiring experience. Embracing it as part of me, just short of being obsessed. A very fine line in between passion & obsessed. I am staying well within the other side of things.
Do i miss playing? Hell no... But i do enjoy the running up and down the pitch with my club mates and have a little poke myself at my fellow umpiring colleagues (very mild and i never swear at them cause i know the hard work they are putting in) and have a good laugh at all the silly things we do on the pitch.

Belief - 
Since the day i started i always believe that one day i will want to represent Singapore at the world biggest stage in this area. Crazy as it may sound on day 1, i think it doesn't sound that silly as of today as i count down towards Rio 2016.
That belief i have in my belly to always prove my doubters or haters wrong after a disappointing or flat tournament that I have that special something in me that he may not have seen in me during then. That believe in myself that I will only get better and i can only go further and bounce higher after each disappointment that pushes me further and further till today.
That believe that all good things will come to someone who tries his hardest and just refuses to give up!

It's really not how fast or how well you start but it is always about how great you end with that landing.

Last night the THC boys threw me a small quiet farewell and sent their well wishes. Always a good time catching up especially since everyone have settled down, being married, having (already have) kids and just life in general. Shout out to everyone who came for the dinner last evening again! Pleasure was mine and will really do my best at the games.