Sunday, July 17, 2016

Interesting Comments

So we all know, I for 1 know it all too well, that being an Official, Referee, Umpire is a thankless job but yes for many of us because for the passion and love of a certain sport we bite our tongue not to argue back and just carry on with what we do week in week out. No wonder many of our young colleagues are quitting the game like hotcakes flying out of a Macdonald Outlet on a Sunday morning brunch.

Now my main point is, I was told how badly i did after a lower division game this evening! Shocker! =) I wasn't waiting for a compliment anyhow. The losing team came and thanked me but the wining team came to me in disgust (Half of the team).  *Correction* 
The winning team thanked me (of course when you win the official did well) and the losing team came to me in disgust! Now this is even more not surprising.
Well... maybe i was really shite to you but like you said, guess what, I am going to Rio while you, again like you correctly pointed out, will be watching me on your TV set. So enjoy your experience.

At times, or many times, for a lot of you out there, who you think you are god's gift to a certain sport... please allow me for once break your heart... ( Wrecking Ball Chorus starts to play)

YOU AIN'T SHITE! So before we (as officials) start collectively criticize the sport team on how badly the players are performing or other stuff maybe you can look in the mirror (please buy a huge 2ft X 4ft mirror for your ego) and start looking at yourself and not tell those who actually know what they are doing, to do what you think should be done because frankly you are talking more crap even nonsense is losing you.  Ok that's as much publicity you are getting.

My advice to some people who think they are the world's greatest is please be at a certain level before you talk those talk. After those big talks please be sure you can walk the walk too.

Enjoy watching Rio! Thanks for the support.

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