Thursday, August 04, 2016

Rio Day 2 - Uniform Collection

As excited as we are to collect our gears for the games, never would we ever expect to wait 6 long hours to get pieces of clothing, bags, shoes and bottle from the organizer.

Yes you heard me right! 6 hours was the total wait to get our uniform and opening ceremony suit. But what can we do but wait patiently till our numbers are called and wait again as we go into the fitting room to get fitted into our sizes and queue again as we check out our items in the uniform hyper-mart.

So in between the wait we went for a wander around the neighborhood and after getting 2 wrong directions pointed out to us and 1 failed attempt to buy beer from a fast food stall (they weren't allowed to sell...sadly) we managed to find a 'roadside stall', okay truthfully was a man on bicycle, selling drinks including beers, of course, doing his business. So we got a few Antarctica (Local Brazilian Beer) from him and happy as a bird we can be...

Beside him was a huge space where groups of people gathered to play musical instruments for what sounded more like a celebration rather than a performance. With our beer in hand, we just 'trespassed' and stood around with our cameras in hands and became a real tourist for the 1st time.

As I was about to leave the compound a lady tapped me on my shoulder and asked if we can do a we-fie with her and her mates. Of course I obliged! How can i say no to such friendly people. Just a happy bunch of people doing what they love, willingly accepting strangers who walked in a friends.
How awesome is that......

This is the best part of our uniform collection! Got back to Vila Verde past midnight and another early day tomorrow.

Good night world.

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